Thursday, August 2, 2012

Honey Order! (Peaches soon)

k, our honey order is on! We have spoken to our honey man, and we will be picking up the honey around the 1st week of September, unless our order is a smaller order, in which case it may be delivered later in the month of September. What we normally do is pickup the honey, and then bring it down with our next order (which will be peaches, most likely). So, we are collecting moneys now until the 1 of September (call me if you receive this info later than this date, and I'll see what I can do).

Now, this honey is from Wyoming, and it is deliciously light and sweet, and RAW. If it is not in solid form when you get it, it WILL solidify soon after. I recommend moving it into smaller containers unless you use honey all of the time, and do not mind it's solid state. For our family, I move it into the large-mouth pint jars because I like the small glass containers that you can heat up if you want (without heating ALL of it), and the straight necks allow you to take advantage of EVERY LAST YUMMY bit. :)

They come in 1 gallon, food-grade plastic buckets, and are $31 each. Let me know how much you'd like, and send your money as quickly as possible (email me for address)

Please pass this on to anyone that might be interested, as we'd like to get as big an order as possible, so we can be on the first shipment! :)

I'll be sending on info about peaches soon, so keep your eyes peeled! :)

Elizabeth Kay, Self-reliant Network poohnda(at)hotmail(dot)com

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